This week I was in Mexico! The Mayan Riviera or Riviera Maya.. I don't know why they have different names. Hopefully I'll have a graphic soon for you guys :)
Yes I'm an idiot :P You need money for shopping! Not much though because it's all cheap junk :)
For 100$ a day you too could have this on your bed! The maid cleaned our room extra well when we started leaving tips :)
Randomness.. Outside of my hotel
My room was pretty close by this.. the hotel is very open so they had this like in the middle of it.
Beach!! Alex stubbed his toe and coral. Ps. don't drink the water it's very salty and your eyes sting. you can see our hotel down there.. we walked far.
Overcast day.. I don't remember what day it was.
You think they are nice to sit in? Wrong it's freaking cold.. I shiver the entire time..
I loved this fountain!
Restaurant... decent food.
Well those are a couple pics from my adventure with my fiance! I was thinking of showing you a pic of me eating(only pic of me in Mexico, I hate pics of me) but I voted against it because I looked tired. Anyway I took over 900 pics so you if you want me to post more I will. Umm I'm not the best photographer as you can see :)
PS. I stayed at the Barcelo Maya Palace :)